Description of Operations Research

Searching for the right job to spend the rest of your life with? Then try our match-making service for college mathematics majors.


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If you answered ``Yes" to any of these questions, then maybe OR is the match for you.

Meet OR, short for Operations Research.

He's a well-rounded, personable guy with great communication, presentation and writing skills.  Because he was born during World War II, his mother likes to proudly recall how he "helped take the guesswork out of deploying
radar and searching for enemy submarines" [1] . But OR modestly claims he merely uses ``a scientific approach to analyzing problems and making decisions" [1].  He often uses "mathematics and mathematical modeling on
computers to forecast the implications of various choices and zero in on the best alternatives" [1].
OR comes from a big family; his relatives include Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Engineering, Business, Finance, and Economics.  But OR also promises to introduce you to Queueing Theory, Optimization, Network Analysis and Simulation.

OR has always had an interdisciplinary bent.  In fact, in his free time, he enjoys solving such diverse problems as [1]:

Some of his major accomplishments include:

 Wow, what an industrious guy!  And your parents will be happy to hear that, in 1998 with his master's degree, OR averaged $47,070 [2] and plans to get his doctorate soon and earn over $70,000 annually [1].

If you are interested in learning more about Operations Research, visit the INFORMS (Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences) website at


[1] INFORMS Online. Career Booklet. Jan. 1997; available on the World Wide Web at

[2] Occupational Outlook Handbook. Operations Research Analysts. April 2000; available at

page last updated by Amy Langville on 7/6/00